Sunday, September 28, 2014

'The Early Bird Catches The Worm!'

At an ungodly hour in the morning or “ch’i cha pei cha” (七早八早in Hokkian dialect, a Proton Wira with three or four passengers arrived at our residential area to do a “sure-win business” as not a single cent was needed to invest in this business. Even if the “business” venture were to turn awry, they are still guaranteed with free board and lodging courtesy of the government and paid by taxpayers.( Masuk penjara makan nasi lemak!)

日前七早八早就有一辆Proton Wira载着三、四名乘客开进我们的住宅区准备做一单稳赚无赔,又不用资本的生意~打劫。万一他们生意失败,政府还会提供他们免费吃住,由人民埋单~坐牢

Well, the waist pouch of an old Indian man was recently snatched at the front gate of his daughter's house by another Indian man emerging from the Proton Wira.

当时,有一位年老的印度人走到他女儿家门前,正想进去拿脚踏车出来踏,被一个印度壮汉从Proton Wira下车假装问路,抢了老者的腰包,连忙乘车而逃。

那老者因为腰包被抢,一时慌张起来,不知如何是好。过后他急忙求救,叫喊道:“Curi! Curi!"


The old man was helpless when confronted by a criminal who was much younger than him. All he could do was to shout out, "Curi ! Curi !” hoping that other residents in the neighbourhood would be alerted to come out to assist him. But, his attempt was in vain. Not a single soul responded to his screams! They could be too indulged in their sweet dream. Or they could be too afraid to risk their lives to lend him a hand.

The snatched thief, after successfully executed the crime, quickly escaped in an awaiting car.

One should not be amazed that criminals have also internalized the proverb, ‘the early bird catches the worm’ which they have most probably learnt in school.


One needs to be immersed in English proverbs to be a smarter thief.


Tuesday, September 23, 2014

God Is Like An Ocean
Every sentient being is like a drop of water, and God is like an ocean. When a drop of water drips into the ocean one would not be able to differentiate that drop of water from the ocean as the droplet of water has merged with the ocean as one entity and they are inseparable.


Similarly, a sentient being achieves oneness with God once it has elevated itself from human consciousness and attains a divine consciousness that is part and parcel of the universal consciousness which is known as God by the Christians, and or as Buddha’s nature by the Buddhists or with other names given by other religions.


Every being has divine consciousness within itself that could only be uncovered and revealed once its ego(我执) is eradicated through the process of persistent meditation as practised in Zen Buddhism and other oriental religions, or by a concerted effort of denouncing and uprooting the three ‘poisons’ (三毒), which are namely: Attachment, Aversion and Ignorance(贪、憎、痴), the main characteristics of ego.


As ego is a hindrance to the realisation of divine consciousness or ‘Enlightenment’ in Buddhist terminology, the objective of every major religion is basically to get rid of this ego from a sentient being so as to enable it to return to the house of God, or Nirvana as in the case of Buddhism.


Tuesday, September 16, 2014


Not So Smart Traffic Lights


Nowadays, traffic lights have become very smart. They can detect the traffic flow at the road junction to determine the duration of the green light in order to ensure a smoother flow of traffic.



Though they can sensor the presence of automobiles, they are totally insensitive to those ‘poor guys’ riding motorbikes or bicycles.


A motorcyclist has to wait at the junction for hours, or even ages until his hair turns grey, just because no green light appears unless there are four-wheeled motor vehicles present.



I am tempted to use the word 'discrimination' here. I, as a motorcyclist, was being discriminated by the Smart Traffic Lights when crossing a traffic junction on my way to and back from the Kampung Baru market one early morning with no other cars waiting alongside me. I had to wait for the traffic lights to change a couple of times before the green light finally appeared.



I , therefore, staunchly appeal to the Local Council to get a programmer to rectify the problem with immediate effect so that these traffic lights can also sensor both cyclists and motorcyclists at the road junction.

In fact, if we want to turn a city greener, it is better to design traffic lights that can only sensor the presence of cyclists at the junction. The traffic lights can by all means ignore the motor vehicles. The implementation of this system of traffic lights would ensure that the whole city would be cycling, making it greener, cleaner and fresher to live in. This, however, is another Utopia made real in only my slumber land!


Monday, September 08, 2014


Barber with "Big and Small Mercedes Headlamps

Once upon a time there was an Indian barber who had a pair of big and small bionic eyes; any rich patron who frequented his shop would receive a complete and thorough range of haircut services from him, hoping to get good returns from the rich patron. Of course not every time he would be rewarded handsomely as most rich patrons were usually stingy.

Once, an unassuming old man entered the barber's shop. From his outfit and appearance the barber thought he was just another poor working-class peasant. So he gave him a casual haircut and facial shaving. The whole process took him less than fifteen minutes. After it was over, the old man dished out from his pocket a handful of notes to pay the barber.

To the astonishment of the barber, the old man had paid him more than one hundred ringgit! Never in his life had the barber received such a huge sum of money for giving just a simple haircut. The barber thankful for his lucky stars and he was hoping the old man would visit him again, the sooner the better so that he could get another windfall.

Months later, the same old man reappeared at the barber's shop. The barber was overwhelmed with joy. He treated the old man like a king. This time around, the barber thought if he were to give the old man a thorough workout paying attention to every minute detail, the old man would reward him with even more money than before.

For more than an hour, the barber cut, trimmed, shaped and styled the old man’s hair and then applied lotion and shampoo. He even provided a massage service on the scalp, neck and face. After the haircut was finally done, the old man asked the barber how much he usually charged others for the service he had just rendered. The barber replied, “Twenty ringgit!"

The old man took out his money and counted it carefully  a few times before he handed it to the barber the exact amount: TWENTY RINGGIT.

The barber was rather puzzled with the payment he had received as well as the 'eccentric behaviour’ of the old man. So he asked the old man for an explanation.

The old man said, “When you were casual with your hair cutting, I  was generous with my payment. But when you were earnest with your cutting, I became miserly with my payment. It is just as simple as that!"

The moral lesson of this story is 'how others treated you is just a reflection of how you have treated others.'

Some may wonder why the old man paid more money for providing a very casual haircut in this instance. This is because the old man did not like to waste his precious time when he had his haircut, so naturally he would reward the barber with more money for the job done in a shorter period.













