Friday, March 30, 2018

The Star And The Moon
You are like the moon,
High up in the darkie sky.
Just llike a  charming lady,
The moon is elegant,
It's a class above the others.
I'm like an insignificant star,
One among millions of others.
I twinkle, twinkle my little star,
Passionately wanting to address your attention.
But,  alas!
My effort is ~
Like a handful of salt,
Dumping in the South China Sea.
No effect, no response.
Not that the Moon is proud.
She is like a beautiful princess,
Getting attentions more than adbundance,
From thousands upon thousands of other stars,
Least I can blame you,
My dear Moon. 
For I have myself to blame,
For I'm just a little unnoticed star,
Hanging quietly at the distant sky.

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