Tuesday, July 19, 2016

Rock Fish/Tiger Fish

Tiger fish is rare and it is hardly sold in the local market. But, once it is sold it is in great demand by fish eaters.
Late comers to the market have to pre  order it  hoping to try their  luck on the following day.
This fish is conveniently known as Tiger Fish as it looks fierce and it is a eater of other smaller fish,
but its fate is no better than its counterparts as its ultimate destiny is still going down the throat of another fish eater, the human race.

When we bought it in a fish market we were told that it was "tiger fish' but when we ate it at a restaurant we were told that it was known as a 'rock fish' as the 'taukeh soo'( 头家嫂,the wife of the restaurant proprietor) told us that this type of fish usually hides itself in the space between the rocks in the sea. No wonder it can't grow up to a bigger size under such constraint of the spaces in between the rocks.
As it hides in between the rocks, it is difficult to catch it. That is the reason the fish can fetch a good price.
The rock fish was steamed with ginger and soya sauce, the flesh of which was not overcooked thanks to the skill of the chef who has over thirty years' of experience in the trade.

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