Tuesday, September 23, 2014

God Is Like An Ocean
Every sentient being is like a drop of water, and God is like an ocean. When a drop of water drips into the ocean one would not be able to differentiate that drop of water from the ocean as the droplet of water has merged with the ocean as one entity and they are inseparable.


Similarly, a sentient being achieves oneness with God once it has elevated itself from human consciousness and attains a divine consciousness that is part and parcel of the universal consciousness which is known as God by the Christians, and or as Buddha’s nature by the Buddhists or with other names given by other religions.


Every being has divine consciousness within itself that could only be uncovered and revealed once its ego(我执) is eradicated through the process of persistent meditation as practised in Zen Buddhism and other oriental religions, or by a concerted effort of denouncing and uprooting the three ‘poisons’ (三毒), which are namely: Attachment, Aversion and Ignorance(贪、憎、痴), the main characteristics of ego.


As ego is a hindrance to the realisation of divine consciousness or ‘Enlightenment’ in Buddhist terminology, the objective of every major religion is basically to get rid of this ego from a sentient being so as to enable it to return to the house of God, or Nirvana as in the case of Buddhism.


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