Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Abuse of 'scopes?

For trivial issue there are people who would use a microscope to examine it with greater details and try to blow it out of proportion whereas for issue of great concern to the public,  they would engage a telescope to observe it from afar so that the visibility could be reduced to near blindness so that the focus point of the issue is totally lost.
The abuse of 'scopes is intended for the diversion of issues.

Sunday, February 14, 2016

The Fate of a Hair Dryer
I was a hair dryer.

I was treated like a slave working for long hours without pay and without food or drink.

You don't have to admire me for not ‘having office hours’ as I have to work at anytime of the day,  whenever there is a demand for my service.
您不需要羡慕我“没有办公时间” 因为在任何时刻只要客户有需要服务,我都要效劳。

One morning came a weird user who was over demanding. My work didn't finish at drying his hair. He wanted me to dry his whole naked body from head to toes.

As a female hair dryer, I  was ‘over stimulated’ and  overstressed that my arm was accidentally broken. I was immediately admitted to the ICU of a private hospital for surgical treatment.

Even though  I was entitled to claim from the insurance company, nevertheless it's pointless to do so as the money would still find its way to the pocket of my master.

Thus, it was the fate of a slave as a hair dryer.

Thursday, February 11, 2016

Curi Ayam!

我母亲当年也有养鸡养鸭。每天她将家里的厨余参一些糠和穀去给鸡鸭吃。一般上鸡要吃乾的而鸭却要吃湿的。我有间接参与养鸡鸭是因为有时母亲会叫我去杂货店买穀或糠回来养家畜。以前我们自己养的鸡鸭不用嗺长剂或抗生素。所以自己养的鸡鸭可以算是属于有机的(organic 的)。
鸡肉是各大民族普遍都能食用的,所以“偷鸡摸狗”是当年小偷很普遍的活动之一。“Ada orang curi ayam!"在警察局报案的事件中在当年是婁见不鲜的。问题是报案归报案,真相永远无法“水落石出”。原因是鸡的头上没有写着主人的名字。鸡的羽毛被拔掉包拯也无从考证。况且鸡一转手就下肚子了。